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Dear Friends,
The items are:
Scrap Paper
Old Newspapers
Old Magazines
Unwanted uncooked/raw Acidic Fruits ( Oranges, pineapples, lime,lemons)
Unwanted uncooked/raw fruits
Unwanted uncooked/raw Vegetables
Brown Sugar
Rice Bran
Red Earth
Glass Jars/Plastic containers with lids
Cardboard boxes (any other cardboard materials)
Aluminium Cans
Expired Food Products
We here at GrASS need your help to help us gather the below mentioned items to help us raise funds for our shelter and other independent pet rescuers.
The items are:
Scrap Paper
Old Newspapers
Old Magazines
Unwanted uncooked/raw Acidic Fruits ( Oranges, pineapples, lime,lemons)
Unwanted uncooked/raw fruits
Unwanted uncooked/raw Vegetables
Brown Sugar
Rice Bran
Red Earth
Glass Jars/Plastic containers with lids
Cardboard boxes (any other cardboard materials)
Aluminium Cans
Expired Food Products
For more ways on how or what items you can donate to help please visit HERE
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
There will be a briefing at the MPK auditorium in Klang on Jan 19 at 4.00pm to explain about the MPK's dog catching antics to Kapar MP S. Manikavasagam. It would be good if a large group can gather at the MPK foyer or outside the auditorium to show the local council that what they are doing is not right. Please be there to help the poor animals. All the MPK officers responsible for the carnage will be there.
You can also show support by going to the MPK pound in Northport at 11.00am on Wed when Klang MP Charles Santiago visits the place. Details - call YB Santiago's assistant Yap at 012-2658448.
You can also show support by going to the MPK pound in Northport at 11.00am on Wed when Klang MP Charles Santiago visits the place. Details - call YB Santiago's assistant Yap at 012-2658448.
Majlis Perbandaran Klang is now feeling the heat. They have realized their folly of cramming their pound with dogs. They are now allowing people to adopt dogs from their pound for free. Please help us by adopting a dog each – our next move would be to push the local council to embark on a TRAP-NEUTER-RELEASE project. However, we still need to email the relevant people protesting over the carnage. Please help us by sending emails of protest to:
If you can please also lodge police reports for the torture of the dogs at the pound against.
a) Selangor state executive councillor in charge of local councils Ronnie Liu
b) MPK president Mislan Tugiu
c) MPK Health department's acting director Zulkfli Abbas
d) MPK dog catchers
e) Majlis Perbandaran Klang
If you can please also lodge police reports for the torture of the dogs at the pound against.
a) Selangor state executive councillor in charge of local councils Ronnie Liu
b) MPK president Mislan Tugiu
c) MPK Health department's acting director Zulkfli Abbas
d) MPK dog catchers
e) Majlis Perbandaran Klang
Saturday, January 16, 2010
What you can do to help.
1. Lodge police reports at the Klang district police station.
the gist of the report should be about the cruelty against dogs by Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK) and the report should be lodged against:
a) Selangor state executive councillor in charge of local councils Ronnie Liu
b) MPK president Mislan Tugiu
c) MPK Health department's acting director Zulkfli Abbas
d) MPK dog catchers
e) Majlis Perbandaran Klang
2) Send emails about how you feel to:
3) Visit the pound in Northport with food to feed the dogs
4) Most importantly you can take home one dog or a puppy each and give it a home - we promise to help you all the way.
the gist of the report should be about the cruelty against dogs by Majlis Perbandaran Klang (MPK) and the report should be lodged against:
a) Selangor state executive councillor in charge of local councils Ronnie Liu
b) MPK president Mislan Tugiu
c) MPK Health department's acting director Zulkfli Abbas
d) MPK dog catchers
e) Majlis Perbandaran Klang
2) Send emails about how you feel to:
3) Visit the pound in Northport with food to feed the dogs
4) Most importantly you can take home one dog or a puppy each and give it a home - we promise to help you all the way.
Labels: Plan of action
Friday, January 15, 2010
PENANG - Missing dog
To: ;
Subject: Fw: Missing dog
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 10:27:33 +0800
----- Original Message -----
From: SPCA Penang
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 10:25 AM
Subject: Fw: Missing dog
Dear Friends,
This German Shephard has been missing from its home since yesterday in Taman Tanjong Dua in Tg. Bunga.
If you happpen to see him loitering in your area, kindly contact SPCA 2816559
Thank you
MDDB: Please forward
If this is not carnage of the highest order - what is? See the attached pics to know what we mean as well as see the man responsible for the carnage.
The situation at the Klang Municipal Council dog pound has reached a critical state. A friend who had gone there to feed the dogs said there were almost 200 dogs crammed there and some were terribly sick.
She has taken some photos and the sight at the pound is terribly heart wrenching. The Klang Municipal Council refuses to look at other alternatives instead of catching and putting these dogs through hell.
To make matters worse, they pay their dog catchers incentives which has resulted in them going out to catch dogs at all times of the day.
Their favourite time is about 6.00 or 7.00 pm when home owners come back from work and release their dogs to ease themselves.
Most of the dogs caught have collars on and if allowed to go on the situation will only get worse.
We have posted pictures taken by our friend and will also give out pamphlets this Saturday calling for people to gather outside MPK next week. We will announce the date soon.
Meanwhile, we are attaching a message to be sent to the relevant people as well as their emails. please send them mails telling them to stop the carnage.
The emails are that of the Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, the state executive councillors, Klang Municipal Council officials as well as the Klang MP Charles Santiago.
The Klang Municipal Council's dog catching unit is going on a rampage as the dog catchers have been given incentives for every dog caught. The situation has gotten out of hand with the dog catchers even going out to catch dogs late at night.
She has taken some photos and the sight at the pound is terribly heart wrenching. The Klang Municipal Council refuses to look at other alternatives instead of catching and putting these dogs through hell.
To make matters worse, they pay their dog catchers incentives which has resulted in them going out to catch dogs at all times of the day.
Their favourite time is about 6.00 or 7.00 pm when home owners come back from work and release their dogs to ease themselves.
Most of the dogs caught have collars on and if allowed to go on the situation will only get worse.
We have posted pictures taken by our friend and will also give out pamphlets this Saturday calling for people to gather outside MPK next week. We will announce the date soon.
Meanwhile, we are attaching a message to be sent to the relevant people as well as their emails. please send them mails telling them to stop the carnage.
The emails are that of the Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, the state executive councillors, Klang Municipal Council officials as well as the Klang MP Charles Santiago.
The Klang Municipal Council's dog catching unit is going on a rampage as the dog catchers have been given incentives for every dog caught. The situation has gotten out of hand with the dog catchers even going out to catch dogs late at night.
Their favourite modus operendi is to go to housing estates in the evening when dog owners return home and release their dogs out for a while. The dogs are nabbed and manhandled before being brought to the pound. A large number of the dogs at the Klang dog pound have collars.
Yes, no doubt there are complaints about strays but this time MPK has embarked on a rampage of hate against all dogs under the instructions of its health department head En Zulkifli Abbas. The dogs are cramped in cages without proper food and water and many end up dead.
Hopefully, the state government will look into this as soon as possible and failure to do so is reflective of the Pakatan Rakyat's inability to control its local government machinery. We also urge the Pakatan Rakyat government to transfer En Zulkifli Abbas out of MPK.
Failure by the state government to do so will result in aggressive groundwork being immediately launched to ensure that it's booted out of Selangor in the next elections. We animal activists are willing to put any party which propagates compassion for animals in power because our main priority is to stop this cruelty and viciousness against dogs.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
UPDATES - Please Forward
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better will have its monthly adoption drive this Sunday. We hope that all our puppies will be successfully rehomed as we need the space to care for the Klang pound puppies. The puppies are currently with fosterers as well as in several veterinary clinics. Many are very anti-social and snappy and we need to bring them to our half-way-home to familiarise them with people as well as to give them good nourishment to build-up their immunity. MDDb is also appealing for hep to settle its never ending veterinary bills. Dry and canned dog food, dog shampoo and towels are also welcome. MDDB needs the extra dog food to be sent to the Klang pound.Details about the adoption drive:
Date: Jan 10
Venue: The Summit, Subang Jaya
Time: 11.00am to 7.00pm
Details: 019-3576477, 012-3739007
Date: Jan 10
Venue: The Summit, Subang Jaya
Time: 11.00am to 7.00pm
Details: 019-3576477, 012-3739007
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We have been trying the Trap, Neuter and Release (TNR) method and are mighty glad that it has worked out well. Thanks to the Hulu Selangor District Council which cooperated with us.
About 30 dogs and 60 cats were neutered since we embarked on the project several months ago. If you go to Kuala Kubu Baru and see stray cats and dogs with their left ears snipped - you'll know that they are our TNR strays. The people in the little town have also agreed to practice tolerance towards these animals as they understand that they will not multiply due to the TNR exercise.
The animals are also being fed by various people - including restaurant owners. Since, our experimental TNR programme had gone on successfully - MDDB has decided to court other local councils to do the same.
We have also acquired space in Kerling which will be turned into a TNR center and half-way-farm. Will arrange for pics of the place soon. Wish us luck.
8 More

Eight more dogs have been rescued by a German expat, who only wants to be known as Ivo, recently. This dog was among the eight he rescued. Six of the eight will probably go to Furry Friends Farm whilst we would be looking for another place for the other two. Ivo has also paid for the neutering and vaccination for all eight. We need more people like Ivo.
Rest in peace little pup

This little Klang Pound pup died of distemper recently at the clinic where we had admitted it. The puppy had tested negative on the day it was brought to us but tested positive several days later. We believe that it had been infected by other puppies on the day it was rescued. This is an example of how deadly the distemper virus can be. Given this - we have to be careful when rescuing the pound puppies by separating those taken from within the enclosures with those from outside the enclosures. We have received three more puppies and they are all infected with parvo and corona virus. We hope they pull through.
Saturday, January 2, 2010

WE would like to usher in 2010 by paying tribute to all the independent rescuers who have over the years saved the lives of many dogs and cats that had crossed their paths. They have been doing what they do best, without seeking publicity nor glory, simply because it is their calling to save the strays. To these angels on earth - MDDB salutes you. MDDB is inspired by all of you special people who would not leave any stone unturned in your quest to help the strays.
So, Joanne, Leigh, Christine, Rina, Ah Kiew, Aunty Mary, Eileen, Irene, Kay, Sam, Jovi, Ganesh Nicole, Vani, Mano, Erica, Chong, Kanna, Fatimah, Pat, Sabrina, Raymond, Mohan, Karin and many others who have been there for the poor strays -
And this tribute would not be a tribute proper if due credit is not given to Sherrina Krishnan who made public the noble work being carried out by the independent rescuers.
This is dedicated to all of you.
Unlike most days on Rainbow Bridge, this day dawned cold and gray, damp as a swamp and as dismal as could be imagined. All of the recent arrivals had no idea what to think, as they had never experienced a day like this before. But the animals who had been waiting for their beloved people knew exactly what was going on and had started to gather at the pathway leading to The Bridge to watch.
It wasn't long before an elderly dog came into view, head hung low and tail dragging. the other animals, the ones who had been there for a while, knew what his story was right away, for they had seen this happen far too often.
He approached slowly, obviously in great emotional pain but with no sign of injury or illness. Unlike all of the other animals waiting at The Bridge, this dog had not been restored to youth and made healthy and vigorous again. As he walked towards, The Bridge he watched all the other animals watching him. He knew he was out of place here and the sooner he could cross over, the happier he would be. But, alas, as he approached The Bridge, his way was barred by the appearance of an Angel, who apologised but told the broken-spirited old dog that he would not be able to pass. Only animals who were with their humans could pass over Rainbow Bridge.
With nobody and no place else to turn to, the elderly dog turned towards the fields before The Bridge and saw a group of other animals like himself, also elderly and infirm as well as sad and discouraged. They weren't playing but simply lying on the green grass, forlornly staring at the pathway leading to The Bridge. And so he took his place among them, watching the pathway and waiting.
One of the newest arrivals at The Bridge, a dog, did not understand what he had just witnessed and asked another dog that had been there for a while to explain the situation to him.
"You see, that old dog was a rescue. He was rescued looking like how you see him now, an older animal with his fur graying and his eyes clouding. He never found a family after being rescued and passed on with only the love shown by his rescuer to comfort him as he left his earthly existence. Because he had no family that had given him love, he has no one to escort him over The Bridge.''
The dog thought about this for a moment and then asked - "So what will happen now?''
As he was about to receive his answer, the clouds suddenly parted and the gloom disappeared.
A single person was seen approaching The Bridge and the whole group of destitute animals waiting outside the pathway to The Bridge were suddenly bathed in a golden light. They all became young and healthy and in the prime of their lives again.
"Watch and see,'' said the second animal. Another group of animals who were waiting within the pathway to The Bridge also approached the person and bowed low as she appeared. At each bowed head, the person offered a pat or a scratch behind the ears. The destitute animals, who had been waiting outside the pathway to The Bridge, followed the person to The Bridge. Once there they all crossed The Rainbow Bridge together.
"What happened?''
"That was a rescuer. The animals you saw bowing in respect were those who found new homes because of her efforts. They will cross when their humans arrive. Those you saw waiting outside the pathway to The Bridge were those who never found homes. When a rescuers arrives here, they are allowed to carry out one final rescue. They are allowed to escort those poor animals , that they couldn't rehome on earth, across The Rainbow Bridge.
"I think I like rescuers,'' said the first dog.
" So does Heaven, my friend. So does Heaven,'' was the reply.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We were told by a source that the Klang pound people only started getting leftovers from restaurants and the bread factory after starving dogs had started to eat dogs that had died in their enclosures. We suspect the stronger ones had also killed the sick ones in their desperation for food. Our friend who went there to feed the dogs, the food we had received, told us that the dogs had finished half a pail of water as soon as it was put into their enclosures.
Please people - please take a dog home each. It won't solve the problem but would send across the message that people care enough to do this. It will in turn push the local council people to embark on a more humane approach.
Yesterday we were both proud and ashamed of being Malaysian. Proud because a PAS branch chairman called asking to contribute food to the dogs at the pound. He said his heart bled to see the faces of the dogs in the pictures posted here.
He said he was a very religious man and given this, it was both his moral and religious obligation to do whatever little he can to elevate the suffering of these dogs at the pound. Since he didn't know much about dog food - he asked us if we could meet him at a designated pet shop and help him buy the food.
At the same time we also received a call from an Irish expat who wanted to buy food for the pound dogs as well. He said he was shocked with what he had heard and seen and said that had this happened in Ireland, the pound managers and workers would have all been sent to jail. According to him some pound workers in his hometown were sentenced to six months jail each for abusing the dogs in the care by not giving them enough food and water.
He also said cruelty against animals by individuals existed in all parts of the world including his country but cruelty against animals by a government body was inexcusable. He said he loved living in Malaysia but the many instances of dog abuse by local councils left a bad taste in his mouth.
Anyway, since both wanted to do the same thing - we got them together and they combined their resources to buy dog food as well as some chew toys. This, they said would relieve the dogs of the stress at the pound.
Since there were almost a hundred dogs at the pound - MDDB bought more chew toys to be sent there. MDDB also bought six large containers and pails to be filled with water and food and placed at the pound. We were told these were insufficient and therefore will be sending six more basins and pails to the pound. Stay tuned.
He said he was a very religious man and given this, it was both his moral and religious obligation to do whatever little he can to elevate the suffering of these dogs at the pound. Since he didn't know much about dog food - he asked us if we could meet him at a designated pet shop and help him buy the food.
At the same time we also received a call from an Irish expat who wanted to buy food for the pound dogs as well. He said he was shocked with what he had heard and seen and said that had this happened in Ireland, the pound managers and workers would have all been sent to jail. According to him some pound workers in his hometown were sentenced to six months jail each for abusing the dogs in the care by not giving them enough food and water.
He also said cruelty against animals by individuals existed in all parts of the world including his country but cruelty against animals by a government body was inexcusable. He said he loved living in Malaysia but the many instances of dog abuse by local councils left a bad taste in his mouth.
Anyway, since both wanted to do the same thing - we got them together and they combined their resources to buy dog food as well as some chew toys. This, they said would relieve the dogs of the stress at the pound.
Since there were almost a hundred dogs at the pound - MDDB bought more chew toys to be sent there. MDDB also bought six large containers and pails to be filled with water and food and placed at the pound. We were told these were insufficient and therefore will be sending six more basins and pails to the pound. Stay tuned.
Labels: Update
Monday, December 21, 2009
Our meeting with an MPK top honcho regarding the Klang pound dogs not being fed was an incredibly mind boggling experience.
Nothing came out of it other than one of us being barred from the pound for having taken a television station crew there on Saturday.
Now coming back to the meeting, the top honcho was defensive and offensive from the very beginning. There was also a lot of shouting which could have been avoided. Top Honcho is the person in charge of the department responsible for dog cathching. His boss is the Top Top Honcho and the boss in charge of these councils is the Top Top Top Honcho.
Here's an example of what transpired.
Top Honcho: SPCA and SAS and FMM (?) know what we do and they have told us that we are doing an excellent job in the way we catch dogs. The SPCA had gone on rounds with us and has commended the way we do things. So why are you here?
MDDB: I am here because we are have no confidence…………..
Top Honcho: You have no confidence in the SPCA! Put that in writing.
MDDB: No, we have no confidence in……………
Top Honcho: You have no confidence in the SPCA! Put that in writing.
MDDB: Can you please let me finish my sentence! I am here because we have no confidence in the way MPK is managing the dogs in the pound. They have not been properly fed. You have to ensure that the dogs are properly fed and given enough water when in your custody.
Top Honcho: What do you mean that we are not feeding the dogs? We feed them daily. We get food from the restaurants to feed them.
MDDB: But from what we see, they are not getting any food- Most of the dogs are skin and bones and many have become sick. Even if you get leftovers from the restaurant, these may be very little or even rotten.
Top Honcho: They get good food from the restaurant. They eat the same kind of food that I eat daily.
MDDB: You eat restaurant leftovers and rotten food?
Top Honcho: No, we have an agreement with some restaurants and we ask them to make several packs of food, with which we feed the dogs.
MDDB: When we went there on Saturday, the enclosures were not yet cleaned and……………………………..
Top Honcho: Now you are complaining that the cages were not cleaned? What are you really complaining about?
MDDB: No, that is not my complaint – when we went there on Saturday the enclosures were not yet cleaned and……………….
Top Honcho: You are complaining that we didn't clean the place?????
MDDB: Can you let me finish my sentence…………. when we went there on Saturday the enclosures were not yet cleaned and if the dogs had indeed been fed, there would be traces of food on the floor. There wasn't – besides their feces and a little urine there the floor was 'clean' – there were no traces of food. The bowls in the enclosures did not have any water in them as well.
Top Honcho: You are complaining so much – why don't you all do something to help and educate the people of Klang?
MDDB: We will definitely help. We will try to send food to the pound as often as we can and we can also have our events in Klang but we need a centralised location to conduct them – somewhere we can also bring our dogs. Would you allow us to use your Dewan Hamzah if we asked for it?
Top Honcho: What kind of an NGO are you? Don't you know that you have to write in to ask for permission?
MDDB: That's what I meant by asking. Will you allow us to bring dogs to Dewan Hamzah?
Top Honcho: Looks puzzled - If you want to bring dogs we will give you other locations. You know, the SPCA warned us about independent rescuers – the SPCA said they all have personal agendas.
MDDB: Are you saying that we have a personal agenda? What kind of personal agenda can rescuers have saving stray dogs?
Top Honcho: I am not saying you have an agenda. But the SPCA said the rescuers would take the beautiful dogs out, clean them-up and sell them for a profit.
MDDB: Well, MDDB makes it a point to mostly save dogs that are deemed hopeless and helpless. We whisk out a phone and show Top Honcho a picture of a mangy dog rescued from the pound. This is the type of dogs we usually get. Me make them whole again and find them homes.
Top Honcho: Where is the dog now?
MDDB: In a clinic.
Top Honcho: What are you going to do with it?
MDDB: Put it up for adoption or send it to a sanctuary or farm.
Top Honcho: you cannot keep it in your house.
MDDB: ???????
More to come……
MDDB: I hope the dogs can be separated at the holding center - pets from strays so that there won't be a spread of disease
Top Honcho: We don't catch pets........we only catch strays
MDDB: But we saw a lot of dogs with collars
Top Honcho: We don't catch dogs with collars, we only catch dogs which have no owners
MDDB: There are dogs with collars there and people have been coming to 'bail out' their pets.
Top Honcho: (looking momentarily confused) We don't catch dogs with licences - there's a difference between collars and licences.
MDDB: ???????????
Top Honcho: I will go and check on your complaint that the dogs are not being fed.
MDDB: I hope you will not victimise your pound workers because they can only feed the dogs if you make food available.
Top Honcho: No, I will only speak to their supervisor telling him to feed the dogs more.
Meanwhile, our informant who has been staking out the pound tells us that leftover food is only available a few days once and this is more often than not leftovers from patrons' plates which is very little in quantity. The workers also go to a nearby bread factory to get discarded and rotten bread and this is also available once in a few days. Later in the evening we met the Top Top Top Honcho at a Christmas party and told him about what had happened. Top Top Top Honcho said that these are people who have never known dogs up close and personal and regarded them as rodents just like rats and roaches. He said it will take a long time to educate them but measures such as a proposed spay clinic in the locality will help towards curbing their bloodthirsty desire to exterminate every dog in their path.
Nothing came out of it other than one of us being barred from the pound for having taken a television station crew there on Saturday.
Now coming back to the meeting, the top honcho was defensive and offensive from the very beginning. There was also a lot of shouting which could have been avoided. Top Honcho is the person in charge of the department responsible for dog cathching. His boss is the Top Top Honcho and the boss in charge of these councils is the Top Top Top Honcho.
Here's an example of what transpired.
Top Honcho: SPCA and SAS and FMM (?) know what we do and they have told us that we are doing an excellent job in the way we catch dogs. The SPCA had gone on rounds with us and has commended the way we do things. So why are you here?
MDDB: I am here because we are have no confidence…………..
Top Honcho: You have no confidence in the SPCA! Put that in writing.
MDDB: No, we have no confidence in……………
Top Honcho: You have no confidence in the SPCA! Put that in writing.
MDDB: Can you please let me finish my sentence! I am here because we have no confidence in the way MPK is managing the dogs in the pound. They have not been properly fed. You have to ensure that the dogs are properly fed and given enough water when in your custody.
Top Honcho: What do you mean that we are not feeding the dogs? We feed them daily. We get food from the restaurants to feed them.
MDDB: But from what we see, they are not getting any food- Most of the dogs are skin and bones and many have become sick. Even if you get leftovers from the restaurant, these may be very little or even rotten.
Top Honcho: They get good food from the restaurant. They eat the same kind of food that I eat daily.
MDDB: You eat restaurant leftovers and rotten food?
Top Honcho: No, we have an agreement with some restaurants and we ask them to make several packs of food, with which we feed the dogs.
MDDB: When we went there on Saturday, the enclosures were not yet cleaned and……………………………..
Top Honcho: Now you are complaining that the cages were not cleaned? What are you really complaining about?
MDDB: No, that is not my complaint – when we went there on Saturday the enclosures were not yet cleaned and……………….
Top Honcho: You are complaining that we didn't clean the place?????
MDDB: Can you let me finish my sentence…………. when we went there on Saturday the enclosures were not yet cleaned and if the dogs had indeed been fed, there would be traces of food on the floor. There wasn't – besides their feces and a little urine there the floor was 'clean' – there were no traces of food. The bowls in the enclosures did not have any water in them as well.
Top Honcho: You are complaining so much – why don't you all do something to help and educate the people of Klang?
MDDB: We will definitely help. We will try to send food to the pound as often as we can and we can also have our events in Klang but we need a centralised location to conduct them – somewhere we can also bring our dogs. Would you allow us to use your Dewan Hamzah if we asked for it?
Top Honcho: What kind of an NGO are you? Don't you know that you have to write in to ask for permission?
MDDB: That's what I meant by asking. Will you allow us to bring dogs to Dewan Hamzah?
Top Honcho: Looks puzzled - If you want to bring dogs we will give you other locations. You know, the SPCA warned us about independent rescuers – the SPCA said they all have personal agendas.
MDDB: Are you saying that we have a personal agenda? What kind of personal agenda can rescuers have saving stray dogs?
Top Honcho: I am not saying you have an agenda. But the SPCA said the rescuers would take the beautiful dogs out, clean them-up and sell them for a profit.
MDDB: Well, MDDB makes it a point to mostly save dogs that are deemed hopeless and helpless. We whisk out a phone and show Top Honcho a picture of a mangy dog rescued from the pound. This is the type of dogs we usually get. Me make them whole again and find them homes.
Top Honcho: Where is the dog now?
MDDB: In a clinic.
Top Honcho: What are you going to do with it?
MDDB: Put it up for adoption or send it to a sanctuary or farm.
Top Honcho: you cannot keep it in your house.
MDDB: ???????
More to come……
MDDB: I hope the dogs can be separated at the holding center - pets from strays so that there won't be a spread of disease
Top Honcho: We don't catch pets........we only catch strays
MDDB: But we saw a lot of dogs with collars
Top Honcho: We don't catch dogs with collars, we only catch dogs which have no owners
MDDB: There are dogs with collars there and people have been coming to 'bail out' their pets.
Top Honcho: (looking momentarily confused) We don't catch dogs with licences - there's a difference between collars and licences.
MDDB: ???????????
Top Honcho: I will go and check on your complaint that the dogs are not being fed.
MDDB: I hope you will not victimise your pound workers because they can only feed the dogs if you make food available.
Top Honcho: No, I will only speak to their supervisor telling him to feed the dogs more.
Meanwhile, our informant who has been staking out the pound tells us that leftover food is only available a few days once and this is more often than not leftovers from patrons' plates which is very little in quantity. The workers also go to a nearby bread factory to get discarded and rotten bread and this is also available once in a few days. Later in the evening we met the Top Top Top Honcho at a Christmas party and told him about what had happened. Top Top Top Honcho said that these are people who have never known dogs up close and personal and regarded them as rodents just like rats and roaches. He said it will take a long time to educate them but measures such as a proposed spay clinic in the locality will help towards curbing their bloodthirsty desire to exterminate every dog in their path.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Who feeds the dogs?

Some were breathing heavily, indicating that they were suffering from lung infection or pneumonia whilst some others appeared to be too weak to even move. There were also dogs which had open wounds.
We brought three large bags of dog biscuits and fed the starving dogs as soon as we got there. We also had a television crew with us because we wanted MPK to realize that not feeding the dogs at the pound was morally wrong. Soon after the television crew had finished the job, I called the MPK health director, who was not contactable, the whole of last week. Surprisingly, he picked-up the phone after the second ring this time around.
We brought three large bags of dog biscuits and fed the starving dogs as soon as we got there. We also had a television crew with us because we wanted MPK to realize that not feeding the dogs at the pound was morally wrong. Soon after the television crew had finished the job, I called the MPK health director, who was not contactable, the whole of last week. Surprisingly, he picked-up the phone after the second ring this time around.
He was furious and said the local council by-laws did not have provisions to feed the dogs. "We are not a shelter but a holding center,'' he said. In short, he was telling us that MPK was not obligated to feed the dogs. That MPK did not care if these poor animals starved to death. However, he has forgotten that the Department of Veterinary Services' guidelines strictly stipulate that dogs have to be given food and water and ensured a clean environment pending euthanasia.
Given that the Veterinary Services Department is a federal body and the local councils are the lowest rung of the administrative system – the local councils have to adhere to what has been stipulated by the DVS in regard to the catching and management of strays.
We will be meeting this person on Monday and hopefully he gets the picture. Meanwhile, one of the dogs that were not in the enclosure followed us out of the compound and we brought her back.
We will be meeting this person on Monday and hopefully he gets the picture. Meanwhile, one of the dogs that were not in the enclosure followed us out of the compound and we brought her back.
The dogs were 'calling out to us' and some tried to desperately wriggle out of the enclosure. One young dog stood on the sill all the time we were there. It broke our hearts to see them like that.
We couldn't remove any of the other dogs because we had to make arrangements with the MPK to pay the compound. Anyway, the dogs we brought back tested negative for parvo, corona and distemper but tested positive for the pregnancy test. So, she is currently at a foster home until we find her a permanent home.
Besides this dog, we also have with us 20 puppies and 2 dogs that was give to us by MyAnimalCare. Several have been sent to foster homes and two distemper/parvo puppies had to be dispatched to Gemas, which is located at the Negri Sembilan-Johor border, where a family had volunteered to take care of them.
We hope that some of you reading this can atleast take one of the pound dogs under your care. Let us know and we will make the necessary arrangements.

This poor puppy was skin and bones when MyAnimalCare brought her to us from the Klang pound. She must have had very little to eat and must have been drinking contaminated water, that is why her urine was bloody. She was also infected with parvo and distemper. Given her condition, the poor pup only lasted several days and our only consolation is that she was well taken care off for a day or two by her fosterer Mandy before the inevitable happened.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Peaceful Protest
Given the gravity of the dog catching rampage in Klang - MDDB is calling for a peaceful gathering of animal lovers and sympathisers at Klang Municipal Council Dog Pound this Saturday between 12.00pm to 1.00pm. We have no other choice other than doing this to show the council that they should immediately stop what they are doing to prevent the unnecessary suffering of these animals as well the possible outbreak of distemper, parvo and corona outbreak in Klang. Please join us - you can bring banners and placards as well as canddles to remember the dogs whih had suffered and died at the pound. The dogs are kept at Pusat Kurungan Haiwan, Kawasan Perindustrian Bandar Sultan Sulaiman, Northport. Call us at 019-3576477, 012-3739007 or write to us to find out more.
Pound Puppies and Dog

We are desperate. We have placed six sick puppies with fosterers and need more people to take in the rest until they are well. they four that tested negative yesterday seem to have other problems - one has a prolapsed anus, another is coughing and a third seems to have lost its apetite.
We also have six puppies which are so traumatised that they have become little monsters of sorts. Its starting all over for us and we are going to be horribly strapped for cash as treating these pups can be very expensive.
We are thankful that a friend and fellow rescuer has taken in the mother dog and four pups for us temporarily. We also have Cindy with the facial wounds to care for in addition to the distemper, parvo and corona cases.
To make matters worse - we have our healthy puppies at the half way home that are pending adoption. We do not want to compromise on their well-being and need to get them adopted as soon as possible. Please help. Our apologies for the pics being all mixed-up - but the captions will explain. The puppies had rafia string tied around their necks to identify the infections - blue for parvo, green for distemper and yellow for corona.
You'll note that some of the puppies have nore than one coloured string and this means that they have multiple infections.
The Klang Pound fiasco

The Klang Municipal Council is at it again soon after the Pulau Ketam fiasco. This time around they have sent their dog catchers on a rampage to catch dogs several times a day including at night.
The dog catchers are paid an allowance of RM 10 for every dog caught in addition to their monthly salaries as MPK employees. As a result many many pet dogs have been detained and taken to the MPK pound in Bandar Sultan Sulaiman.
Now, in order for such massive dog catching operations to be carried out, the pound must have the proper infrastructure such as an isolation bay, quarantine area as well as separate holding areas for pets and strays.
When dogs are stressed, deadly infections such as distemper, parvo and corona sets in. These infections are deadly and very very contagious.
Picture this:
An pet owner comes to the pound to 'bail out' his dog which had been placed in the cage with many other dogs, some of them infected with these deadly viruses. Of course, the pet dog has a 90 percent chance of infection.
An pet owner comes to the pound to 'bail out' his dog which had been placed in the cage with many other dogs, some of them infected with these deadly viruses. Of course, the pet dog has a 90 percent chance of infection.
The owner takes the dog back and he has other dogs at home. All of them will also be infected and the infection will also quickly spread to pets owned by anyone who visits the home as well as other dogs in the vicinity. What results next is a pandemic of massive proportions.
Those managing and running the operations at the MPK haven't the faintest idea what these viruses are but yet go on cramming the pound with countless dogs daily. When queried they say they are acting because of numerous complaints by Klang residents.
But Klang residents also complain about potholes, overgrown bushes, clogged drains and restaurants located in houses, as well as many other things – but nothing has ever been done about these things.
I know – I am after all a Klang resident.
To make matters worse – there is no budget in their dog catching antics for food and so the dogs are being starved. Some appear to have died of starvation. Several NGOs including us have dispatched dog biscuits but how long can we do this?
I know – I am after all a Klang resident.
To make matters worse – there is no budget in their dog catching antics for food and so the dogs are being starved. Some appear to have died of starvation. Several NGOs including us have dispatched dog biscuits but how long can we do this?
Don't they know that they have to make provisions for food when embarking on such a big blood-thirsty enterprise?
Anyway, another NGO My Animal Care has rescued almost 36 dogs from the pound and sent them off to a sanctuary. They have also given us 21 puppies and 2 dogs. Eight of the 21 puppies tested positive for distemper, corona and parvo viruses. This has proven our fears that the clueless MPK folks are cross contaminating dogs indiscriminately.
Anyway, another NGO My Animal Care has rescued almost 36 dogs from the pound and sent them off to a sanctuary. They have also given us 21 puppies and 2 dogs. Eight of the 21 puppies tested positive for distemper, corona and parvo viruses. This has proven our fears that the clueless MPK folks are cross contaminating dogs indiscriminately.
There are now being cared for by us and our fosterers. We are desperately hoping that the rest are safe. The second batch of puppies brought in by MyAnimalCare were so traumatized that they were ferocious and behaved like gremlins.
They will need a lot of time before they feel safe being around people. They bit the vet as well as her assistant who were testing them for the viruses. Can't the Pakatan Rakyat do something? Are they so bloody weak that they have no control over the local councils? Or is that because they don't give a rat's posterior about these dogs which are deemed defiling?
Whatever it is Selangor is supposed to be a developed state – what's the point of being a developed state when the local councils are still so very neanderthal ? And ideal situation would be for the local council to have educational programmes in tandem with the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) to educate the people of Klang on pet care and the importance to neuter. They should also emabrk on the TrapNeuterAndRelease/Manage (TNR/TNM) programme to battle the stray problems. If it can work in Indonesia, India and nepal so well - it should work very very well in a developed state like Selangor.
Have a look at the pics.
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