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Dear Friends,

We here at GrASS need your help to help us gather the below mentioned items to help us raise funds for our shelter and other independent pet rescuers.

The items are:

Scrap Paper
Old Newspapers
Old Magazines
Unwanted uncooked/raw Acidic Fruits ( Oranges, pineapples, lime,lemons)
Unwanted uncooked/raw fruits
Unwanted uncooked/raw Vegetables
Brown Sugar
Rice Bran
Red Earth
Glass Jars/Plastic containers with lids
Cardboard boxes (any other cardboard materials)
Aluminium Cans
Expired Food Products

For more ways on how or what items you can donate to help please visit HERE

Monday, February 2, 2009

Article: Now, Nilai council may impose licensing for cats


SEREMBAN: Cat owners living in parts of Seremban and eight other sub-districts will be required to license them if authorities continue to get complaints that the felines are becoming a nuisance to neighbours.

Nilai Municipal Council (MPN) president Datuk Abd Halim Abd Latif said although there were no laws stating how many cats a person could own, it would have no qualms in formulating new legislation for it.

“We know some families keep too many cats and this has become a nuisance to their neighbours,” he said.

“If we get more complaints on this, we will not hesitate to introduce new provisions in our by-laws requiring them to license their cats.”

If implemented, the MPN would be the first local council in the country to have such a provision in their by-laws.

Abd Halim was commenting on complaints from residents on a new law requiring dog owners to get their neighbours’ written permission before they were allowed to keep them.

MPN had gazetted the new law – Dog Licensing By-laws 2008 – which came into force last month.

Those living in areas under the jurisdiction of the council such as parts of Rasah, Ampangan, Mantin, Nilai, Lenggeng, Pantai, Rantau, Labu and Senawang were affected by the move.

The MPN said those caught contravening provisions under the by-law can be fined up to RM1,000 or imprisoned for not more than six months or both.

Several residents’ associations had voiced displeasure over the new ruling as it was discriminatory because it only targeted dog owners.

Many felt there were residents who had up to 10 cats which caused them misery.

Asked how were neighbours who wished to own dogs were to get their neighbours’ written permission when they were not on talking terms, Abd Latif said they could always ap- proach the council and it would act as an intermediary to get the approval.

Asked whether the ruling on dog ownership would be extended to those living in the Seremban Municipal Council (MPS), Abd Latif said this would be possible after a merger between MPN and MPS takes place.
This article was taken from: The Star Online: Nation 2 February 2009

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