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Dear Friends,

We here at GrASS need your help to help us gather the below mentioned items to help us raise funds for our shelter and other independent pet rescuers.

The items are:

Scrap Paper
Old Newspapers
Old Magazines
Unwanted uncooked/raw Acidic Fruits ( Oranges, pineapples, lime,lemons)
Unwanted uncooked/raw fruits
Unwanted uncooked/raw Vegetables
Brown Sugar
Rice Bran
Red Earth
Glass Jars/Plastic containers with lids
Cardboard boxes (any other cardboard materials)
Aluminium Cans
Expired Food Products

For more ways on how or what items you can donate to help please visit HERE

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Article: Climate-saving tips

Tuesday May 5, 2009

By TAN CHENG LI       

HERE are some ideas for reducing your carbon footprint through simple, everyday steps. Most are small changes which you probably won't even notice, but if all of us were to adopt just a few good habits, the carbon savings will surely add up.

Phantom power

Always turn off electrical equipment. Appliances left on standby mode continue consuming energy (by as much as 100kWh a year) and emitting carbon (68kg a year). The US Department of Energy states that 75% of all electricity consumed in homes is standby power. Before going on holiday, unplug appliances or they will continue draining away energy. Turn off your computer when you're away for long meetings, lunch and at the end of the day. Consider using an on-off timer to shut off electrical equipment when they are not in use, such as the water dispenser at night.

Keeping cool

Air-conditioners are real energy gobblers – an average 100W air-conditioner emits 680g of CO2 hourly. Use them sparingly or keep cool with a fan. Buy the inverter type of air-conditioner and energy-efficient models. Since there is no such labelling in Malaysia, refer to Singapore's energy labelling scheme for appliances ( And buy the right size for your room. An over-sized air-conditioner will consume more power.

Electrical appliances of all kinds have made our lives easier but this translates to greater use of energy.

Adjust the thermostat so that it is not too cold. Studies show 24°C to be the comfort level for Malaysia. Keep the air-filter and coils dust-free to optimise operations.


Switch off the lights when you leave a room. Clean lights shine brighter. So dust them occasionally. Refrain from using general room lighting for specific purposes; instead use task lighting such as reading lamps or lights over a kitchen counter. Energy-saving lights such as compact fluorescent light bulbs or fluorescent tubes may cost more but are cheaper over their life-spans. Photo-electric switches, timers and dimmer controls can help save energy. Make the most of natural light: think pale walls, ceilings and floors.

A good wash

Wash only full loads. This saves 45kg of CO2 a year. High temperatures are unnecessary as modern-day detergents clean efficiently at low temperatures. Irons demand lots of energy. So iron large batches of clothes at one time to avoid wasting energy in reheating the iron. Plan your ironing. Start with items which require lower temperatures so as to avoid unnecessary and repeated heating of the iron. Turn off the iron if you are interrupted halfway through.

Save water

Conserve water. Not only is water a scarce resource globally, it takes huge amounts of energy to treat and move it around.

Keeping food fresh

Choose the right capacity refrigerator to suit your family's needs. Check for the energy rating among similar-sized options. Find the most energy-efficient refrigerator at Singapore's energy labelling scheme (

Heat will make the compressor work harder, so place your fridge on a cool spot away from direct sunlight or the stove. Ensure adequate space around it for better air circulation. Too cold a setting will consume more energy. The ideal operating temperature is between 3°C and 5°C.

Test the door seal occasionally by closing the door on a thin piece of paper. If it does not stay in place, the seal should be replaced. A grimy condenser coil can raise energy use by 30%, so keep it dust-free. Decide what you need before opening the refrigerator door. Repeated opening wastes energy.

Stuff we don't need

Some appliances are simply energy-guzzlers and we could well do without them. The airpot is one such item. Keeping water hot or at boiling point 24-7 is simply a waste of electricity. Boil water as and when you need it.

Chop garlic and onions manually instead of using those small electrical choppers. You not only waste energy but lots of water too when washing them.

Use instant water-heaters instead of the storage type which keeps stored water hot all the time. Consider solar water-heaters which do not consume electricity.

Dry clothes in the sun with free and non-polluting energy, instead of in tumble dryers. A study by Cambridge University's Institute of Manufacturing found that 60% of the energy associated with a piece of clothing is spent in washing and drying it. A T-shirt can send up to 4kg of CO2 over its lifetime!

Ditch the McMansion

The bigger your house, the more electricity you will need to light and cool it. The production of building materials such as cement releases carbon, too.

Seek out homes built with energy-efficient features or consider renovations that will keep your home cool, for instance, by installing insulation under the roof, shades, awnings, glass tints and double-glazed glass.

Trees and shrubs around the house will also help keep temperatures down.

Go online

Eliminate your paper trail by paying bills online. You will also avoid unnecessary trips to the bank, post office or council.

Carbon-smart driving

Transport accounts for 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Cut down your driving as every litre of burnt fuel emits 2.7kg of carbon.

Bad driving habits (sudden breaking and accelerating) guzzles up petrol. Don't speed – driving faster than 120km increases fuel consumption by 30% compared to driving at 80km.

Plan ahead – choose the least busy routes and combine trips. Turn off the engine if you're parked for more than two minutes. Keeping your car in tip-top shape and tyres properly inflated will give you better mileage. A heavy vehicle uses more petrol; so empty the boot and remove unused roof racks.

Choose a fuel economy car. The Singapore fuel economy labelling scheme ( has a list of such vehicles. Perodua cars fare pretty well on the list. The Kelisa emits 126g of CO2 per km and the VIVA 134g/km – comparable to that of Toyota Prius (103g/km on petrol drive) and Honda Civic hybrid (109g/km).

And by the way, the Honda hybrid is now in the local market. Sure, its expensive at around RM130,000 but it's still cheaper than many cars on the road. Plus with a hybrid, you're not only doing the climate a favour, you'll also get green bragging rights.

Responsible travels

Going on a long trip? Choose your mode of transport wisely. An average new car generates 160g/km of CO2 per passenger, a plane 100 to 250g/km, a bus 40 to 80g/km and a train 40 to 160g/km.

Take the train whenever possible. A lone car driver generates three times more CO2 per kilometre than if he was on the train. If going by car, take as many passengers as possible to average out the CO2 emissions.

Aviation accounts for 2% of global greenhouse gases but that number is climbing fast. Fly only for distances greater than 700km. Otherwise take the train.

If you fly, consider "offsetting" your carbon emissions by investing in renewable energy projects.

Carbon-conscious shopper

Anything you buy will inflate your carbon footprint for the simple reason that it took energy to manufacture and distribute them. So buy only stuff which you really need.

And buy locally made things as they involve less transportation.

Avoid disposables and single-use goods. Their high turnover means more energy is needed to make and dispose them. Also avoid products with heavy packaging which will only end up as trash.

Buy organic produce. They are grown without fertiliser and pesticides, which release nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas. Also, skip the steak. The meat industry generates 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions; much of it comes from manure and methane from the digestive tracts of cows.

Bag the waste

Reduce first. Then reuse, followed by recyle. Reusing things saves the need for new materials and energy. Recycling one aluminium can saves 90% of the energy needed to produce a new one. For 1kg of recycled plastics, the saving is 1.5kg of CO2 and for 1kg of recycled glass, it is 300g of CO2.

By taking your lunch in a reusable lunch box instead of a disposable one, and opting for a reusable bag instead of more plastic bags, you save the energy needed to produce new ones.

Compost your organic waste. In landfills, such waste will decompose and emit methane, a greenhouse gas that is 21 times more potent than CO2.

This article was taken from:The Star Online: Go Green Live Green 2 June 2009

1 comment:

Nick said...

Tan, your energy saving guidelines are great - if just more people would do them!

Laundry can use a lot of energy if not done wisely. The new front-loading horizontal drum washing machines not only use less water, they then spin the clothes SO FAST that they come out almost dry!

Then just put those 'almost dry' clothes on a stylish clothes drying rack like this one (maybe set up under a ceiling fan?) and you will have saved a ton of energy by not using the clothes dryer at all.

We will have to change how we do things in order to do them better...