MYROLE RTM1- Featured GrASS on 25 Jan 2011, 330pm

GrASS's Product Video

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Dear Friends,

We here at GrASS need your help to help us gather the below mentioned items to help us raise funds for our shelter and other independent pet rescuers.

The items are:

Scrap Paper
Old Newspapers
Old Magazines
Unwanted uncooked/raw Acidic Fruits ( Oranges, pineapples, lime,lemons)
Unwanted uncooked/raw fruits
Unwanted uncooked/raw Vegetables
Brown Sugar
Rice Bran
Red Earth
Glass Jars/Plastic containers with lids
Cardboard boxes (any other cardboard materials)
Aluminium Cans
Expired Food Products

For more ways on how or what items you can donate to help please visit HERE

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Article: Bag Of Waste

I THOUGHT it laudable that the organiser of the KL Design Week had included an exhibition of eco-bags featuring interesting designs and conservation messages, to curb the use of plastic bags (StarTwo, March 23).

But then the same organiser went on to install the “world’s largest eco-bag” at KL Tower. What conservation message are they driving at here?

In my view, the exercise was a gimmick that amounted to one thing: wastage. Making and installing that huge bag would have used up and wasted energy and resources.

And unless that bag is eventually reused (cut up to make smaller bags perhaps?), it will just generate more garbage.

The event organiser appeared to have not thought through the whole thing and was just going for a PR stunt.

The money spent on that big bag could have been used for more worthwhile activities such as educating traders and hawkers on the problems posed by plastic bags, or distributing reusable bags to the public.

Christine Ooi
Kuala Lumpur

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