THESE movies and songs will get us all in the right frame of mind, and strengthen our resolve to be good to Mother Earth.
This eye-opening and much talked about documentary is former US vice president Al Gore’s personal project to save Mother Nature. It captures viewers’ attention from the start with its predictions on the catastrophes waiting to befall humanity as a result of global warming.
The Inconvenient Truth explores climate change and how it affects humans today and in the years to come. Great lesson from this movie – don’t take too long to conserve Earth. Start now.
We may be a little tired of Eddie Murphy and his crazy antics but credit should be given where it’s due. Dr. Dolittle 2 has a strong message to share. Eddie reprises his role as Dr. Dolittle, the vet with the ability to talk to animals, who in this movie are preparing to launch a strike to save their woods.

Dolittle works with the animals to stop land developers bent on destroying the jungle and comes up with a brilliant plan to save the animals’ homes.
Who can forget this movie? Not only did it show the world that Julia Roberts has a great cleavage, it also tackled some serious environmental issues.
Based on a true story, Julia plays Erin Brokovich, a single mother who takes on a gas company which she believes is responsible for polluting the town’s water supply. She goes on to bust a cover-up that had taken place and almost single-handedly brings the gas company down.
Melting ice, rising waters and flooding are the issues this movie tackles. Manny the Mammoth, Sid the Sloth and Diego the Sabretooth Tiger discover that the ice wall surrounding their valley is melting and will soon flood their home.
The trio embark on a journey to save their lives and learn why their world is ‘melting’ around them. Okay, so we don’t have mammoths and sabretooth tigers roaming the Earth anymore, but what they face relates to the animals today nonetheless.
Leonardo DiCaprio has long outgrown the love-struck boy in Titanic. Now, the environmentally-conscious actor does movies that don’t necessarily make money but are educational.

The 11th Hour is a documentary, hosted by DiCaprio, featuring prominent scientists and environmental experts looking into how humans can stop destroying Earth and undo the damage we’ve inflicted upon it.
Okay, so the movie basically tells you not to dump pigs’ waste into lakes, but hey, that’s a lesson there. Springfield’s lake is so polluted that when Homer drops his pet pig’s poo container in it, the town becomes a dangerous zone.
The vengeful townsfolk, angered by Homer’s stupidity, descend on the Simpsons and wouldn’t rest until they see blood. The United States Environmental Protection Agency comes to the rescue and cleans up the town in a dramatic and dictatorial manner.
It’s up to Homer to save the town and reunite with his family ... and pet pig.
Unusual hailstorms and tornadoes hit Earth and the entire northern hemisphere is covered with a sheet of ice. Life as we (okay, the characters in the movie) know it ends, and the only one genuinely worried is scientist Roland Emmerich (played by Dennis Quaid).
The movie tries to scare us into taking global warming seriously, but unfortunately, it just comes out looking illogical at times.
Nevertheless, it’s a great step towards making people more aware of global warming and its consequences.
Also, check out these earth-friendly tunes that teach us a lesson or two about keeping nature they way it should be.
This tween queen discusses what most songstress her age don’t. Wake Up America, asks America(ns) to do just that – wake up, and see the destruction that they’ve wreaked on Earth. A catchy tune loaded with Earth-friendly messages, this song should definitely be on everybody’s MP3 playlist.
Our very own wake-up call song, Hijau is still remembered for Zainal Abidin’s smooth voice and its educational lyrics. Hijau bears a conservation message telling us to love our lush and green environment before we lose it all. Yikes!
Jacko is not only wacko for gloves and monkeys but also for the environment, apparently. This 1995 hit song got us all charged up about saving the Earth and watching its video clip still brings a tingle down our spine. Good job, Michael!
Jay Kay has always been passionate about the environment and this song (featured in the movie Godzilla) in particular, pokes fun at people’s indifference when it comes to environmental issues. Don’t let the funky music and beat fool you, this is a real save-the-Earth-now kind of song.
This article was taken from: The Star Online: Youth2, 22 April 2009
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