MYROLE RTM1- Featured GrASS on 25 Jan 2011, 330pm

GrASS's Product Video

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Dear Friends,

We here at GrASS need your help to help us gather the below mentioned items to help us raise funds for our shelter and other independent pet rescuers.

The items are:

Scrap Paper
Old Newspapers
Old Magazines
Unwanted uncooked/raw Acidic Fruits ( Oranges, pineapples, lime,lemons)
Unwanted uncooked/raw fruits
Unwanted uncooked/raw Vegetables
Brown Sugar
Rice Bran
Red Earth
Glass Jars/Plastic containers with lids
Cardboard boxes (any other cardboard materials)
Aluminium Cans
Expired Food Products

For more ways on how or what items you can donate to help please visit HERE

Saturday, January 17, 2009

View: Give a thought to animal welfare too

IT is profoundly distressing to read reports about animal cruelty.

What compounds the wretchedness is that time and time again the perpetrators get away scott free.

It is a crying shame that existing laws on animal welfare are woefully inadequate be they as a deterrent or to mete out sentences that commensurate with the crime.

DAP State Exco member Ronnie Liu made a statement a few months ago about employing humane methods to catch strays.

It is heartwarming to have an MP voicing concern for animal welfare, an issue which hardly draws empathy among officialdom.

With all due respect, may I ask if there has been any follow up?

Please remember that dogs are Allah’s creatures too.

Petaling Jaya.

This comment was taken from: The Star Online: News: Focus 20 November 2008

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