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Dear Friends,

We here at GrASS need your help to help us gather the below mentioned items to help us raise funds for our shelter and other independent pet rescuers.

The items are:

Scrap Paper
Old Newspapers
Old Magazines
Unwanted uncooked/raw Acidic Fruits ( Oranges, pineapples, lime,lemons)
Unwanted uncooked/raw fruits
Unwanted uncooked/raw Vegetables
Brown Sugar
Rice Bran
Red Earth
Glass Jars/Plastic containers with lids
Cardboard boxes (any other cardboard materials)
Aluminium Cans
Expired Food Products

For more ways on how or what items you can donate to help please visit HERE

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Article: A love of rabbits & the quest for perfection

By Gabey Goh September 12, 2008 Categories: Cyberspot

Rabbit lolover: Timothy Chan with one of his furry chargesRabbits are cute. That’s the short explanation for the time-honoured affection of this long-favoured family pet but for Timothy Chan, it goes a little bit beyond that.

At his blog, Tru-Luv Rabbitry (, readers get an introduction to the world of Holland Lops and how to properly care for a pedigree rabbit.

"One of my main reasons for starting this blog is to tell Malaysians that we need to be aware of the right ways of treating our pets especially rabbits," says the passionate father of one.

"Another reason is to create awareness in Malaysia that we are churning out too many "mongrel" rabbits which I personally feel will end up mostly in shelters such as PAWS/SPCA. I was appalled when I read about people in the forum abandoning their unwanted rabbits in the jungles!" he continues.

Indeed the Malaysian track record for the treatment of household pets leaves much to be desired. But the determined effort of animal lovers such as Chan will surely go a long way.

BLOG: http://www.truluvrabbitry.wordpress.comTell us a little about yourself

I’m a technical instructor and proud father to a one-year-old daughter which I dedicate my passion – the rabbits – to. In a way, I want to give her the best, to whom is why I am working so hard on this breed. I hope she likes these beautiful creatures when she's old enough to know what's happening; she’s already thrilled by them now, although a little rough.

As for Holland Lops, I am proud to have had the first litter of Broken Blue Holland Lops bred and born in Malaysia and the first to own a Show Quality Solid Lilac Holland Lop that is born locally. I am also the proud owner of the first Broken Chocolate & Solid Blue Holland Lop in Malaysia.

When did you start your website/ blog?

My first postings were on Friendster. After a while, I started blogging about my personal life through MSN spaces. My first ever blog post was on May 20, 2006. Then I moved on to a account.

Later, I felt uncomfortable about exposing too much personal information (like what I am doing now!) – I have since deleted my personal blogs to concentrate on my Holland Lops blog exclusively.

I started blogging about my rabbits seriously on June 18, 2007, after which I was introduced to by a friend.

What were your reasons?

Basically to help me keep my sanity… it is a form of "mental escape".

Also, I noticed even in the local pet forums such as that, many people keep rabbits. But not many know how to keep them the correct way.

My blog touches on responsible breeding, which is breeding the best and keeping to the breed standards.

And of course, the reason for the blog is to let Malaysians know that there is something called breed standards in the rabbit world, like in the cat and dog world.

Last but not least, I wanted a place in the cyberworld to share these beautiful creatures with other. The general public used to think that the correct way to pick a rabbit up is to pull its ears. They used to think that carrots are the staple food for rabbits, which is outright nonsense. I want to get rid of all these myths from the local rabbit world.

I also want to get more people appreciating rabbits because most people I know avoid keeping rabbits as pets because they think they are smelly. Not true at all because little do they know that rabbits can be toilet trained!

Achieved them?

As far as the cyber community that keeps pets is concerned, I believe my objectives have been met because people do seek advice and I am starting to see that there are improvements. In short, rabbits are being treated better and more appropriately. Some even have toys! The basic needs of most Malaysian rabbits are being met but things are moving at a very slow pace.

Has blogging changed your life?

Yes, Definitely. I am constantly thinking about what to write next (exercising my brain) so much so that I am starting to wonder if I am being productive. Generally, I find it very therapeutic. Mind you, I do not earn a single cent from blogging. It still puzzles me how one can quit their day jobs and go full time into blogging.

Also, I make new friends all over the globe with the same interest. It widens my worldview…

Any regrets?

None at all. I am happy to be able to touch other people with my writings. Feelings are priceless!

What in the "Cybersphere" amazes you?

Web 2.0 has introduced something called AJAX. I believe this technology is behind the great Facebook phenomenon. This technology/feature amazes me very much.

If you had to choose one website/blog to read…

Malaysia Today? No, I love my mentor, Laurie Stroupe’s ( site. But she has since quit keeping rabbits. But I would still choose her blog because she has helped me tremendously in starting off my wonderful hobby.

Through Cyberspace communication many things can happen. What would you really like to achieve?

I do not think it is feasible but, I would like to quit my day job and blog about my rabbits all day long!

Honestly, my personal ambition is not selling my rabbits or making a living out of them. I want to make sure Malaysians are ready to provide a good environment for their pets. Not until they are able to do so, will I turn my rabbitry into a business.

If there were someone you could influence to take up blogging…

My father. He’s has got some great Chinese paintings that the world ought to take a look at.

Any memorable incidents?

I have met many great Holland Lop breeders through cyberspace – wonderful experiences.

I sincerely hope Malaysians can benefit directly or indirectly from reading my blog in regard to the treatment of animals. I know there may be higher demand for Holland Lops. My only concern is that, some may choose to exploit rabbits through unethical breeding, just for business sake. I would like to take this opportunity to stress that one should not buy on impulse and a pure bred rabbit will always come with a pedigree that states at least three generations of parentages; so, please go for the best!

This article was taken from: the malay mail: cyberspot 12 september 2008

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